Graduate student and lab member Asia Thomas was awarded the Support to Promote Advancement of Research and Creativity (SPARC) grant sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research. The SPARC grant is a merit-based award for innovative research, and will fund Asia throughout the summer as she works on her dissertation research project titled “Screening Utility of Classroom Performance Survey”. Congratulations Asia!
Dr. McQuillin wins Breakthrough Star Award
Dr. McQuillin was awarded a 2020 Breakthrough Star award at the University of South Carolina. The Breakthrough star award, presented each year by USC’s Office of the Vice President for Research, honors outstanding early career faculty. Read more about this award, and his recent work, here.
APA Presentations
Our lab traveled to Chicago, IL for the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Graduate students Anna Flitner and Mackenzie Hart presented posters related to lab research, and Anna was recognized as having one of the top two posters in her division! Dr. McQuillin and Mackenzie chaired a symposium entitled “Expanding the Scope and Improving the Effectiveness of Youth Mentoring in School Systems” along with researchers from the University of Virginia, the University of Arkansas, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Massachusetts- Boston. Moreover, Dr. McQuillin contributed to a symposium by another UofSC lab focused on identifying dyslexia in schools. A fun time was had by all!